

Here you can find campus resources along with safe celebration tips. Click the links below to learn more.

UC Davis Police Department

Visit the UCDPD website for information about crime alerts, special campus notices, lost and found, theft reports, Safe Rides, and more.  For emergencies, call 911.  For non-emergencies, you can reach the police department at 530-754-COPS.

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City of Davis Police Department

The mission of the Davis Police Department is to help create and maintain a community where all who live, work, learn, and visit the City of Davis may attain the highest quality of life and security. They do this by working with the community, promoting safety, and reducing crime.  For emergencies, call 911.

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Report Hate and Bias

If you experience or witness an incident of hate, bias, discrimination, or harassment, please report it.  You can report incidents anonymously by calling 530-747-3865, filling out the form on their website, or visiting one of the many reporting locations around campus.  Click the button to learn more.

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Sexual Violence Prevention and Response

UC Davis prohibits all forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence, including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.  Such conduct violates University policy and may violate California law. This website provides information about sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, resources for victims of sexual violence, and how to help a friend who has been the victim of sexual violence.  You can also contact the University CARE advocates, a confidential 24/7 resource, at 530-752-3299.

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LGBTQIA Resource Center

The LGBTQIA Resource Center promotes education about all sexes, genders, and sexualities and provides space for self-exploration of these identities. The LGBTQIA Resource Center is a responsive and collaborative organization that serves UC Davis and the surrounding area by providing a growing spectrum of programs, resources, outreach, and advocacy.

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Women’s Resources and Research Center (WRRC)

The Women’s Resources and Research Center (WRRC) works to improve gender equity by promoting social justice and advocacy at UC Davis. It aims to cultivate and develop student leaders for gender equity who challenge oppression, promote community empowerment through educational programming and academic support, and provide accessible resources and support for individuals as a confidential unit on campus for sexual violence. It provides expertise and advocacy in addressing sexism and cisgenderism in an effort to create institutional transformation.

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Student Recruitment and Retention Center

The Student Recruitment and Retention Center stands for educational equity. Our student-run and student-initiated programs foster holistic academic and personal development while raising political and cultural awareness, in order empower students to act as dynamic leaders for their communities.

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Student Health and Counseling Services

UC Davis Student Health and Counseling Services or SHCS provides a wide variety of medical, mental health and wellness services to all registered UC Davis students regardless of insurance coverage. Most services are provided through scheduled appointments, however acute care (services without appointments) for acute medical and mental health needs are also available. Services are provided at two primary locations: The Student Health and Wellness Center and North Hall.

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